New BMR Chargers Insulated Tumblers

New BMR Chargers Insulated Tumblers

The BMMA is pleased to announce that our new insulated tumblers have arrived and will be available for the first time at the Marching Band Celebration Dinner on November 15th. Tumblers are $20 and all proceeds go towards funding the BMR band program.

Schedule for Nationals on November 9th

Here are the details for Nationals on Saturday, Nov 9th: Report time: 7:30 am Practice: 7:45 – 9:30 am load truck: 9:30 – 9:45 am Buses depart: 10:15 am Arrive at Metlife: 2:00 – 2:45 pm Perform: 4:45 pm Awards: 5:45 pm Estimated return to BMR: 11 pm...