Gilette will be holding a TEAM training course on Tuesday April 9th from 6pm-9pm. If anyone is interested in re-certifying or taking the class for the first time please email Bonnie Holbrook with your name by next Tuesday April 2nd. Gillette is working to narrow down...
NESBA just finalized the schedule for finals. Guard has a slight change, winds have a significant change: Guard is scheduled to go on third in their division with a performance time of 4:13. Awards are at 4:41 and the bus should return around 7 PM this Saturday, March...
Saturday, March 30 : We still need 10 people to volunteer in the booth at Gillette to obtain the 14.25% of profit for the Revolutions Game. We at least need 6 ASAP to confirm the booth. For more information, please see the BMMA website: and click on the...
Sunday, March 24: We still need 4 more people to meet a full booth at Gillette to obtain the 14.25% of profit for the Revolutions Game. If you are unable to make the 24th, we also have a Revolutions Game to cover on Saturday, March 30. Please consider volunteering for...