Report time: 8:15am at Millville Elementary School Practice: 8:30 – 12:00 Load truck/lunch: 12:00 – 1:00 Depart for New Fairfield***: 1pm Performance time: 5:15 pm Awards: 7:30 pm Return to BMR: 11 pm Students should bring lunch and dinner or money to buy...
The 2019 Marching Band Celebration Dinner will be November 15th at 6pm. Price is $10/dollars per person and you note that you do have to pay for the band member. Payments can be made online at or you can see Lisa Gervais at...
Finals tickets are for sale — $35 a piece. LIsa Gervais will be selling tickets at practice on Wednesday 10/20, Saturday 10/1 and at both practices next week. The price is the same at the door, but the band makes a small amount per ticket toward the program if...
Cookie dough is definitely coming Wednesday! Pickup will be at the end of practice. We will start around 5pm and go until 6:30 or so. IMPORTANT: There is no place to store cookie dough not picked up, so please make sure to arrange for someone to pick up your order if...
We are actively in the process of putting together the end-of-the-season marching band video. This video will be shown at the celebration dinner. We’d like to get as many pictures of the band and band members as possible, so we’ve opened up a Google Drive...