The calendar raffle is ready to go! 100% profit-sharing! This week, students will be receiving packets of 10 raffles to sell. Tickets will be sold at $10 each. Complete the bottom portion of the page, cut and submit with payment. The purchaser will get the top portion of the page to follow along!
The completed raffle tickets AND payment needs to be received no later than Tuesday, November 1st as the first drawing is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2nd. Raffle tickets will NOT be included in the drawing WITHOUT payment. Cash accepted. Checks can be made out to BMMA. If paying by Venmo, @bmmamusic, be sure that the purchaser includes “student name and raffle” in the comment section.
Drawings will occur on a weekly basis, on Wednesdays of the month, and winners will be notified directly. There will be extra packets available but only distributed once the original packet has been sold and turned in. You can also print your own, a link to the PDF has been included below for your use!
For the ease of financial accounting and to ensure that funds are deposited into the appropriate profit-sharing accounts, please put the raffle and payment, sorted one by one, in an envelope. Venmo raffles should be placed in the back of the envelope. Mark the envelope as “Raffle” with the student’s name, with the number of raffle tickets enclosed, the total amount of money in the envelope, and the total amount of raffles expecting Venmo payment. Included below is a link to a handy cheat sheet for your reference!
Print-Your-Own BMMA Calendar Fundraiser:
Raffle Envelope Cheat Sheet: