Hello BMR Charger Marching Band Families!

The following is the schedule of fees and due dates for marching band this year:

  • June 16th$200 – Uniform fee due. Profit sharing can be used towards this fee.
  • June 28th$39 – Shoe payment due. Profit sharing can be used towards this fee.
  • July 26th~$65 – Band Camp fee. Profit sharing can be used towards this fee. Firm price will be distributed when available.
  • October 18~$35 – USBands Finals fee. Includes coach buses and one meal. Price is subject to change based on busing.

All of these fees are payable to the BMMA.

We would strongly encourage you to pay online at https://www.bmmamusic.org/make-a-payment/, by Venmo (https://account.venmo.com/u/bmmamusic), or by PayPal (https://www.paypal.me/bmmamusic).

Checks made out to BMMA and passed in during marching band practice are welcome. Cash is accepted but discouraged.

Regardless of payment method, please always indicate what you are paying for AND the student’s name. This helps our treasurer immensely when handling hundreds of payment over the next few months. Thank you!

School User Fees

Separate from BMMA, the school system charges user fees for participation in activities. This upcoming year the user fees are $140. They are usually due in late September.

Because BMMA is totally independent from the school district, payment of user fees must be made directly to the district, not to BMMA.

The district’s online payment portal is: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/Default.aspx?customerid=394

Any school user fees paid to BMMA cannot be given to the school district on your behalf. We can only refund the money back to you. Thank you for your understanding!