We still need 10 volunteers to work at the Revs game at Gillette on Saturday, May 11, 2019. The booth we will be working in is Italian Sausage Booth IS134. Carpool time in the BMR parking lot next to trailer is 3:30 pm; Report time to Gillette is 4:30 pm and the game starts at 7:30 pm.
We also need 10 volunteers to work Italian Sausage Booth IS127 at the International Soccer Game 2 on Wednesday, May 15. Carpool time in the BMR parking lot next to the trailer is 4 pm; Report time to Gillette is 5 pm, and the game starts at 8 pm.
If you can help and would like to join us, please email [email protected] as soon as possible!
We must submit a minimum of 6 people by May 1st for the game on May 11 in order to keep the booth.
We must submit 6 people by May 5th for the game on May 15 in order to keep the booth.
For additional information on Gillette, please contact Bonnie via email: [email protected].